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"Playwright Cris Eli Blak has created a dystopian world that shines a light on both racial and socioeconomic discrimination as well as climate change and how adaptable, or non adaptable people can be when dealing with all of these issues along with the grief of loss. It’s a complex story, constructed very well, and performed emotionally and passionately by a cast that is bought into their characters and leaves everything on the stage floor."

- Stage and Sound review of The Underground Theater's World-Premiere Production of

Brown Bodies on a Blue Earth

"The playwright, Cris Eli Blak is a definite find. He can write funny lines; he can move you with a story, and best of all, he can write characters you care about."

- Nippertown review of Troy Foundry Theatre's World-Premiere Production of Hard Candy & Misdemeanors

"...a powerful, well-written tale of lonely, driven, and desperate people who must face some hard truths if they are to break the ruts they are in and grow and mature...both enlightening and depressing as it tackles life on a raw and realistic level."

- Splash Magazines review of Loft Ensemble's World-Premiere Production of Mass Graves

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